*Lesson plans and homework are subject to change.
*If we have a cancellation, you still need to do the SPELLING assignment for the day and the next MATH lesson!!! This will help us keep caught up. Thank you!
***3RD GRADE***
Monday–write words 1x; poem
Tuesday–activities; poem
Wednesday– write words 1x
Thursday– write words 1x; poem
Friday– TEST
Monday–pgs. 92-96
Tuesday–pgs. 97-100
Wednesday- pgs. 101-105
Thursday–read and think
Friday–pgs. 106-112
Monday-pg. 24; TEST Wednesday
Tuesday- pg. 25; HW: pg. 26
Thursday–pg. 27
Friday–pg. 28
MATH: *** Any work not completed in class will be assigned as homework
Monday-pgs. 39-40
Tuesday–pgs. 41-42
Wednesday- Quiz; pg. 43; HW: pg. 44
Thursday–pg. 45-46
Friday–pgs. 47-48
Monday-pgs. 45-46
Tuesday-pgs. 47-49
Wednesday-pgs. 50-52
Thursday-pgs. 53-55; HW: Comprehension Check pg. 55
Friday-pgs. 56-58; HW: QUIZ Monday over pgs. 45-58
Monday – Practice Quiz B pgs. 36-54
Tuesday –Review Practice TEST for Thursday over chapters 2-5
Wednesday –Review for Practice TEST tomorrow
Thursday–Practice Test
Friday – map skills sheet 3
*** 4TH GRADE***
Monday–write words 1x; poem
Tuesday–activities; poem
Wednesday– write words 1x; poem
Thursday– write words 1x; poem
Monday–pgs. 135-138
Tuesday–pgs. 140-143
Wednesday- pgs. 144-147
Thursday–AOL quiz
Friday–Start book report book, have read by Oct. 18, report due Oct. 25th
Monday- QUIZ; pg. 23; TEST Wednesday
Tuesday- pgs. 24-25; HW: pg. 211
Thursday– pgs. 26-27; HW: pg. 212
Friday– pgs. 19, 28 and 276
***MATH***Any lessons not completed in class will be assigned as homework
Monday-Quiz; lesson 22
Tuesday–lesson 23; speed drills
Wednesday- lesson 24
Thursday–Lesson 25
Friday–Lesson 26; TEST Monday
Monday- Review for TEST tomorrow over pgs. 46-80
Tuesday- TEST
Wednesday- pgs. 87-93
Thursday- pgs. 93-96
Friday-– pgs. 97-100; Quiz Wednesday over pgs. 87-99
Monday – pgs. 68-73; 551 HW: GS12; Quiz tomorrow over chapter 3 (no map)
Tuesday –QUIZ; GS13
Wednesday –pgs. 77-80
Thursday–pgs. 81-83; 500-501 GS14
Friday – pgs. 84-88; HW: CCU 3 section C (all) pgs. 75-76